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Peter Kjærsgaard-Andersen Stats


Referee Peter Kjærsgaard-Andersen has shown 841 yellow cards and 11 red cards in 204 fixtures and gives an average of 4.12 yellow cards per game.

Below shows a breakdown of Peter Kjærsgaard-Andersen yellow card averages, aswell as fouls averages by compeition.

Competition Cards (total) Fouls
Landspokal Cup
2023/2024 (1 fixture)
2.00 (2)
11.00 (11)
2023/2024 (10 fixtures)
4.20 (42)
0.10 (1)
18.40 (184)
Europa Conference League
2023/2024 (1 fixture)
2.00 (2)
21.00 (21)
Champions League
2023/2024 (1 fixture)
5.00 (5)
27.00 (27)
U21 Championship Qualification
2025 (1 fixture)
2.00 (2)
16.00 (16)
Landspokal Cup
2022/2023 (2 fixtures)
5.50 (11)
15.00 (30)
2022/2023 (16 fixtures)
3.94 (63)
20.13 (322)
Europa Conference League
2022/2023 (2 fixtures)
6.00 (12)
17.50 (35)
UEFA Nations League
2022/2023 (1 fixture)
4.00 (4)
35.00 (35)
UEFA U19 Championship Qualification
2022 (2 fixtures)
4.50 (9)
UEFA Youth League
2021/2022 (2 fixtures)
4.50 (9)
0.50 (1)
Landspokal Cup
2021/2022 (4 fixtures)
4.75 (19)
7.50 (30)
2021/2022 (16 fixtures)
4.44 (71)
20.38 (326)
Europa Conference League
2021/2022 (4 fixtures)
5.00 (20)
5.00 (20)
U21 Championship Qualification
2023 (1 fixture)
8.00 (8)
WC Qualification Europe
2022 (1 fixture)
2.00 (2)
23.00 (23)
2020/2021 (16 fixtures)
4.69 (75)
0.13 (2)
25.75 (412)
UEFA Nations League
2020/2021 (1 fixture)
6.00 (6)
1.00 (1)
34.00 (34)
Europa League
2020/2021 (1 fixture)
5.00 (5)
UEFA Youth League
2019/2020 (1 fixture)
4.00 (4)
Landspokal Cup
2019/2020 (1 fixture)
5.00 (5)
23.00 (23)
2019/2020 (20 fixtures)
4.50 (90)
0.05 (1)
24.05 (481)
Europa League
2019/2020 (1 fixture)
7.00 (7)
Euro U21
2021 (1 fixture)
5.00 (5)
24.00 (24)
Euro U19
2019 (2 fixtures)
4.50 (9)
UEFA Youth League
2018/2019 (1 fixture)
3.00 (3)
Landspokal Cup
2018/2019 (2 fixtures)
3.50 (7)
24.50 (49)
2018/2019 (20 fixtures)
4.10 (82)
0.05 (1)
21.10 (422)
Champions League
2018/2019 (1 fixture)
3.00 (3)
22.00 (22)
Euro U17
2018 (2 fixtures)
4.00 (8)
UEFA Youth League
2017/2018 (1 fixture)
5.00 (5)
22.00 (22)
Landspokal Cup
2017/2018 (1 fixture)
4.00 (4)
36.00 (36)
2017/2018 (20 fixtures)
3.55 (71)
0.05 (1)
22.60 (452)
Europa League
2017/2018 (1 fixture)
5.00 (5)
32.00 (32)
Superliga Play-offs
2020/2021 (2 fixtures)
4.50 (9)
0.50 (1)
Euro U21
2019 (2 fixtures)
5.00 (10)
First Division
2016/2017 (1 fixture)
3.00 (3)
2016/2017 (2 fixtures)
4.00 (8)
25.50 (51)
Europa League
2016/2017 (2 fixtures)
4.50 (9)
12.50 (25)
2015/2016 (18 fixtures)
3.39 (61)
21.56 (388)
2014/2015 (15 fixtures)
3.07 (46)
0.13 (2)
17.67 (265)
2013/2014 (4 fixtures)
5.00 (20)
26.00 (104)